Intent can be communicated in several ways. Verbal explanations, to explain your purpose by speaking, and share information/knowledge and ideas through talking; Body language, which always will be played somehow while you talking, and it's faster and easier to reveal some of your intention; Written document, allowed more detailed explanation. Multimedia presentation, this the best way to fully see-through your intention on design or other activities, it can be viewed by hard copy with writings, images and diagrams, it can also be show with digital programs such as 2D CAD system for your design intent, animation or video on your "foot-prints"
Can you prove intent? There is two purposes to prove intent, one is to dig deeper on the real purpose or idea of the design for your own intent or the assigned one, make sure you are on the right track from the topic and did you achive the requirements. On another hand, in design team collaboration, solving your intent can further explain and explode your idea to others, and get them onto your perspective view, convince them to agree with what you thinking. Proving intent can be done by doing sketches and diagrams, documenting and reviewing, testing and comparing variety of options, the result can also be questioned and discuss in team collaboration to improve or to see what problems need to be solve.
These Diagrams shows your intent while it still need to be proved, and how your intention change in different area and different condictions. (2 images from Anecdote)
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