Sunday, July 27, 2008

Remuneration (recover)

Remuneration can be defined in your own word as reward you get after you have been working for someone, salary/wage will be the most common remuneration. How much you for your remuneration can be varied from your experiences and skills, time constraints, amount of works and other costs.

With a fixed weekly wage, employees will just do as they told to do. To let employees to have more motivation to work harder, that’s where remuneration reward applied on. Beside Monetary, extra payment for overtime work or good achievement, there is also few type of non- monetary remuneration. 1. “Saying thanks/thank you”, this is simplest reward but it’s also the most important and highly valued; 2. Public recognition, thanking an employee for their contribution to a project or good achievement; 3.Symbolic reward, like a certificate or a high mark as in competition; 4.Relatively inexpensive award, bottle of wine, box of chocolate or coupon vouchers; 5.High cost award, can be oversea trip or holiday package, etc…

For our UT3 modeling project, our remuneration would be around $20,000 to $25,000 since we are still exploring as junior designer. And the non- monetary remunerations we are getting from this project are new knowledge, new skills, and experiences on both individual modeling and team collaboration.


Conflict (recover)

Conflict is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals). Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of social life such as social disagreement, conflicts of interests, and fights between individuals, groups, or organizations. From the definition, you may think that conflict should be avoided to have a healthy and peaceful team environment. Then you are wrong, conflicts are negative but they also have positive outcomes, all depends on how you deal with them. If you chose to ignore conflict or managing your conflict in a wrong way, then the outcomes might be problem unsolved or even getting worst; confusion, feeling resentful or stressful; team or partnership broke up, which will cause failure to keep the project running. On the other hand, if deal with conflict with a good way, your rewards will be a sense of achievement, learnt more about each others with your teammates/partners and makes a stronger relationship and teamwork.

Way to deal with conflict, the most effective way to deal with conflict is to negotiate with the other person involved. Getting angry or aggressive often makes the situation much worse. Much conflict can be resolved if you use a positive and respectful approach - but sometimes this can be very difficult, especially if you or the other person are used to getting what you want by becoming angry, or used to just giving in.

One of the most effective ideas is the win-win approach.

  • This approach is about both people being satisfied with the outcome.
  • It's about finding out what you both want and where there are areas that you can both agree on, then working towards them.
  • It's about working together as partners trying to solve a problem, not as opponents trying to win against each other.
  • It's about working together on a basis of mutual respect to find a satisfying solution.

Conflicts happened in our project will be on decision makings, since our intent and knowledge are different, most likely we will come out with different plans. And what we did was getting our plans together and sharing each others intent, then combines them as one to keep the most desire and list out the negative outcomes, to solve or throw them away.


Planning (recover)

Planning is the first step of starting a project. A plan should be a realistic perspective of all expectations such as minimum or maximum time and cost allowed for completing the project, expectable time clashes or member conflict, etc…
Often project planning is ignored in favour of getting on with the work. However, many people fail to realise the value of a project plan in saving time, money and many problems.

As first step will be setting project goals, identify your/your client’s intent and who is this project for, the audience or the users of the project output. Step Two will be using your project goals which defined in step one, make a list of objectives, see which could be best to use for those goals and also find out any difficulties or errors could be make by any situation. Step three - project schedule, list out the tasks, for each task identify the approximate time required to complete and which team member to assign on which task, and also set up a deadline for each task in case of time clashes or uncompleted scheme. Step Four – problem support, expect the unexpected, creates an optional or backup plan in case of any error.

Beside the project plan, there are few other plans to support the project to run smoothly, which will be Human Resource Plan as team member organization, details of each member; communication plan, define the communication tools to use between members on team collaboration; Risk Management Plan, we identify as much risks to our project as possible and prepared to fight them off if they happens.


Context (recover)

When we writing a narrative, the last paragraph always will be the conclusion refer or answering the first paragraph, this could be one of what we called “context”. Context is defined as the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect, the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.

For UT3 modeling project, we are not just to get the dimensions and make the solid models. We also look at the context of the model, and as well as architect’s intent. Our group is modeling an unbuilt building which is on a real site and designed a real architect. By looking at the plans and drawings, it looks really fantastic, but once you look at its details, where the confusions come out. The limitation drawings of the building and the site, and few sentence description of the design, we have to study the site and try to dig out its context from behind its scheme.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


You have the knowledge that I don’t have, I can learn from you; I have the knowledge that you never touched, then I can teach you. In Oxford English Dictionary, Knowledge is defined as (i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, (ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information or (iii) awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. All livings or non-livings contains knowledge, they can be gained with all different way, by seeing, by smelling, by hearing, by touching or even by feeling. In order to share and spread knowledge, we have record them in resources with different methods. From the old ages such as Ice age, we started passing knowledge with speaking, and record them with drawings and symbols on cave wall or big rocks. Then there is papers come on handy, then books, and now we have new technologies like TV, camera and computer etc…

Lets divide the methods in classes:


Oral – Communication, lecture/class

Written - books, newspapers, notes

Practical – action, moves

Imagery – drawing, symbol, sign


Imagery – photo, digital images

Audio - radio, voice record

Video – video capture, movie

Webpage – text, animation and all of above, refined as multimedia

As we can see that knowledge is everywhere, take our project progress as an example. Each of our team members has different skills and knowledge, we learning from each other while we working on the project together, we sharing works as well as we sharing knowledges.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


A hierarchy is an arrangement of objects, people, elements, values, grades, orders, classes, etc., in a ranked or graduated series. This goes to the structure of the team organization and collaboration. A hierarchical organization usually structured in a way such that every entity in the organization, except one, is subordinate to a single other entity. This is the dominant mode of organization among large organizations; most corporations, companies, governments, and organized religions are hierarchical organizations. Hierarchies denote a singular/group of power at the top, a number of assistants underneath and hundreds of servants beneath them.

For our collaboration team, we kind of used two different team structure. one is one leader leads four members, for organizing and decision making which leader can make the decisions after team discussion, to avoid conflicts gets further. another team structure is all members are equal when each of us have assigned works, we work equally while sharing experiences and knowledges.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Intent is the purpose of something that is intended, the target that you going or planning to achieve. define it as "design intent" in architeture which will be a detailed explanation of the ideas,concepts, and criteria.

Intent can be communicated in several ways. Verbal explanations, to explain your purpose by speaking, and share information/knowledge and ideas through talking; Body language, which always will be played somehow while you talking, and it's faster and easier to reveal some of your intention; Written document, allowed more detailed explanation. Multimedia presentation, this the best way to fully see-through your intention on design or other activities, it can be viewed by hard copy with writings, images and diagrams, it can also be show with digital programs such as 2D CAD system for your design intent, animation or video on your "foot-prints"

Can you prove intent? There is two purposes to prove intent, one is to dig deeper on the real purpose or idea of the design for your own intent or the assigned one, make sure you are on the right track from the topic and did you achive the requirements. On another hand, in design team collaboration, solving your intent can further explain and explode your idea to others, and get them onto your perspective view, convince them to agree with what you thinking. Proving intent can be done by doing sketches and diagrams, documenting and reviewing, testing and comparing variety of options, the result can also be questioned and discuss in team collaboration to improve or to see what problems need to be solve.

These Diagrams shows your intent while it still need to be proved, and how your intention change in different area and different condictions. (2 images from Anecdote)